Neurolinguistic programming (NLP in English, “PNL” in French) is a coordinated whole of knowledge and practices in the field of psychology based on a pragmatic approach of modelling, as far as communication and change are concerned. It was elaborated by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, in the United States.
It is a pragmatic approach, that is to say oriented towards the experience and the solution. NLP aims to improve communication between individuals, to help them improve personally and tends to become an integrative psychotherapy, one which seems to integrate in a practical manner the contributions of the various theories. NLP is essentially constituted through modelling. It is a matter of observing successful behaviour, determining the conditions leading to success and reproducing them as well as possible. It comes within a psychotherapy adjusted to the solution and
change, by using a number of tools that allow of considerable modification as much in the emotional system as at the level of beliefs. It enables a person to change his or her way of looking at the world, and to find the most appropriate place in this cartography that results from Paloalto’s psychology and psychiatry of the 1970s. With time it has brought about an opening towards and association with transformational techniques of diverse origins, including Ericksonian hypnosis, and family therapies according to Virginie Satir and Gestalt de Fritzperls. This area is also used other than in medicine, and is currently an area that is fast developing.
NLP can use our thought processes, our way of looking at life and our beliefs to create an opening towards change, and enables the initial objectives to be reached with the help of different methods.
How can NLP help you?
This area of psychotherapy will bring about a change in your way of looking at life, your feelings, whatever the problem that has arisen in your life, such as a migraine or the need for a new professional start. You do not need to be ill to need NLP, you simply need to wish to reach an objective where external assistance is needed, be it on the private, the professional, the mental or the medical level.